
The journey of MindVerse is charted with clear milestones, laying out a future where our AI crypto assistant becomes an integral part of your cryptocurrency experience. Our roadmap reflects our commitment to growth, innovation, and community engagement.

Initial Stage

  • Research and development of Large Language Models (LLM) to enhance AI capabilities.

  • Deployment of the MindVerse AI bot on key platforms to provide real-time assistance.

  • Launch of the MindVerse token, fueling the ecosystem and rewarding the community.

  • Integration of user feedback to refine and enhance platform features continually.

Q1 2024

  • Broadening the spectrum of tools available for cryptocurrency-related activities.

  • Advancing our analytics suite to meet the evolving demands of the market, guided by user insights.

  • Establishing collaborations with various platforms and services to enrich the MindVerse user experience.

Q2 2024

  • Continued expansion of our cryptocurrency toolset to provide users with a comprehensive suite of services.

  • Enhancement of analytic tools, leveraging the power of AI to offer deeper market insights.

  • Forging new partnerships to expand MindVerse's capabilities and reach.

Q3 2024:

  • Launching an API service to enable partnerships and allow other projects to leverage our AI solutions.

  • Introduction of a revenue-sharing model to incentivize and reward our dedicated community and stakeholders.

  • Expanding support for a wider range of blockchains to diversify and strengthen our service offerings.

Q4 2024

  • Targeting listings on additional cryptocurrency exchanges to improve the MindVerse token’s visibility and liquidity.

  • Extending the MindVerse AI bot’s reach to platforms like Discord and WhatsApp, diversifying our presence and making our services more widely available.

Our roadmap is not just a plan; it's our promise to you—a vision that we're bringing to life with every step we take. Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine the landscape of cryptocurrency tools and services with the power of AI.

Last updated