Seamless Swap Guide

Welcome to your step-by-step guide on executing trades with the MindVerse Bot, designed to simplify your trading experience across networks. This tutorial will walk you through the process of initiating and completing a cross-chain swap, ensuring you're well-equipped to navigate our user-friendly trading platform.

How to Initiate a Trade:

  • Start a Conversation: Simply type your swap request in the format, "Hey, can you please swap [amount] [token] to [target network]?" For example, "Hey, can you please swap 1 bitcoin to arbitrum?"

  • Review the Trade Route: The MindVerse Bot will promptly present you with the best trade route available, detailing the amount you will send, the amount you will receive, and the router (e.g., BINANCE) used for the transaction. A "Initiate Trade" button will be displayed for you to proceed.

Confirming the Trade:

  • Initiate the Trade: By clicking the "Start Trade" button, the bot will confirm your intention to proceed and ask for the wallet address where you wish to receive the funds.

  • Provide Your Wallet Address: Respond with the wallet address where you want to receive the swapped tokens.

  • Order Creation: The bot will acknowledge your wallet address and proceed to create the trade order, providing you with an Order ID and detailed instructions on where to send your tokens to start the trade. This step includes the final amount you will receive after the swap and the wallet address for sending your tokens.

Completing the Trade:

  1. Send Your Tokens: Follow the instructions provided by the bot to send your tokens to the specified wallet address.

  2. Awaiting Deposit: Your trade status will be updated to "AWAITING DEPOSIT." You can use the "Refresh Status" button to check the current status of your trade.

  3. Trade Completion: Once your deposit is received, the swap will be executed, and the specified amount of tokens will be sent to your provided wallet address.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Ensure the swap amount meets or exceeds the listed minimum for a successful transaction.

  • Double-check the wallet addresses you provide to avoid any errors in receiving your swapped tokens.

  • Use the "Refresh Status" button to stay updated on your trade's progress.

This guide, supplemented with step-by-step images in our documentation, will help ensure that your trading process with the MindVerse Bot is smooth and hassle-free. Happy trading!

Last updated